Acupuncture Treatment - Acupuncture Therapy

Christine MacFie

Acupuncture Therapy

Clinic near Weston-Super-Mare

Open Mon & Wed 9am - 7.30pm

Tel 07590368128

Tues & Thurs 9am -7pm Fri 9am -5pm

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What Acupuncture Can Do

Would you like to improve your energy, feel more relaxed, achieve restful sleep and enjoy better overall health and wellbeing?

Or are you in need of help with a more specific health-related condition or injury?

Acupuncture gently promotes better relaxation, sleep, mood and energy. It can help to ease pain and discomfort from joints and muscles, headaches, digestive issues, hot flushes and more. It also offers effective support for a wide range of ongoing physical and emotional health conditions.

Christine MacFie - Acupuncturist

Common Health Conditions Treated

Men and women come to me for help in relieving debilitating symptoms arising from many health conditions such as:
  • headaches including migraine
  • back and joint issues causing pain and restricting movement
  • other common musculoskeletal problems like tennis elbow and frozen shoulder
  • poor sleep and daytime fatigue
  • anxiety, stress, low mood
  • menstrual, menopausal and other gynaecological problems
  • digestive system issues, including those arising from chronic health conditions such as IBS, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis
  • side-effects of cancer treatments such as fatigue, joint, muscle and nerve pains, hot flushes and dry mouth
  • and much more
As well as for support in maintaining or improving their overall level of health and wellbeing.

Click on the images below to find out more about some of the common health conditions I treat in clinic.

Back Pain is a Common Problem
Difficulties with Digestion have multiple causes
Acupuncture can provide targeted relief for joint pain
Menopause symptoms can be very uncomfortable
Migraines disrupt people's lives
Stress can be very debillitating
If you have a health condition or an injury that's affecting your quality of life, acupuncture may be able to help you to feel better.

Unsure if acupuncture can help you?  

Please telephone me on 07590368128 for a free, informal consultation and I'll be happy to answer your questions.

Christine MacFie, Lic.Ac. MBAcC

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